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The Partial Retirement Calculator is available

The issue that was affecting the Partial Retirement Calculator has been resolved.

The Partial Retirement Calculator can be accessed from the partial retirement page of the website: Partial retirement | NHSBSA

As a reminder, with partial retirement, you can take up to 100% of your pension, stay in your job, and carry on building up new pension benefits in the 2015 Scheme. To plan a partial retirement that’s right for you, use the Partial Retirement Calculator to see:

  • how much lump sum and annual pension you might want to claim when you take partial retirement
  • the amount your pension benefits will grow for every year you carry on working as a member of the 2015 Scheme, helping you to plan when might be the best time to fully retire – the calculator will show you figures for up to 8 years in the future
  • any impact on your benefits caused by ‘abatement’ in the first 12 months after your partial retirement – this refers to the effect on your pension when your pay after partial retirement added to your pension is more than your salary before your partial retirement
  • for members affected by McCloud, how much your pension is worth depending on the benefits you choose for your pensionable service between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022
  • what percentage of your pension to take at partial retirement to avoid having to repay overpaid pension when you make your McCloud choice later on – this is referenced in the calculator as your ‘safe percentage’

Further details on the information you’ll need to have to hand are also available on the partial retirement page of the website: Partial retirement | NHSBSA