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Employer events

The NHS Pensions Stakeholder Engagement team support employers with their administration responsibilities for the Scheme and can help with any queries you may have.

We organise events, courses and training for Scheme employers including: 

  • basic guide to NHS Pension Scheme administration course
  • GP practice manager roles and responsibilities in the NHS Pension Scheme
  • flexible retirement in the NHS Pension Scheme
  • Annual Benefit Statement (ABS) walkthrough and guidance
  • ill health and family benefits in the NHS Pension Scheme
  • retirement and completion of the application form (AW8)
  • leave and contributions in the NHS Pension Scheme
  • Pensions Online (POL)
  • ad hoc training around key events

This page shows all current events. If you register for an event and are then unable to attend, cancel your place on Eventbrite as soon as possible so that we can reallocate your reserved place to the next available person.

Basic guide to NHS Pension Scheme administration

This course is available to all new local administrators (less than 12 months in post) of the NHS Pension Scheme. The course could also be used as a refresher course for anyone in local NHS Pension Scheme administration.

It provides a high-level overview of what is expected of you as an NHS Pension administrator throughout a scheme year and covers the roles of an administrator including payroll actions.

At the end of the course, you will have a high-level understanding of the actions required to enable you to administer the NHS Pension Scheme at a local level. The details for the next available courses are as follows: 

March dates:

Flexible retirement in the NHS Pension Scheme

This event is for all employers who are a point of contact for administering the NHS Pension Scheme.

This event provides details of the different types of retirement available to members including:

  • partial retirement where a member takes part of their pension early
  • retire and return
  • early retirement

During the event you will have the opportunity to ask questions via the question-and-answer function. The details for the next available course are as follows: 

March dates:

Annual Benefits Statement walkthrough and guidance

This event is for all employers who are a point of contact for administering the NHS Pension Scheme.

This event includes:

  • details of how a member accesses their Annual Benefits Statement along with a walkthrough, so you can advise members
  • reasons why a statement may not be produced along with the actions to take in this circumstance

During the event you will have the opportunity to ask questions via the question-and-answer function. The details for the next available course are as follows: 

March dates:

Ill health and Family Benefits in the NHS Pension Scheme

This event is for all employers who are a point of contact for administering the NHS Pension Scheme.

This event includes:

  • an overview of the ill health process and application
  • serious ill health including commutation - where a member that has less than 12 months to live may receive all their ill health pension in one lump sum payment
  • the family benefits available

During the event you will have the opportunity to ask questions via the question-and-answer function. The details for the next available course are as follows: 

February dates:

April dates:

Retirement and completion of the application form

This event is for all employers who are a point of contact for administering the NHS Pension Scheme.

This event includes:

  • looking at the process of retirement
  • the completion of the retirement application form (AW8)
  • how to administer the processes and forms involved

During the event you will have the opportunity to ask questions via the question-and-answer function. The details for the next available course are as follows: 

February dates:

April dates:

Leave and Contributions in the NHS Pension Scheme

This event is for all employers who are a point of contact for administering the NHS Pension Scheme.

This event includes:

  • overview of different types of leave
  • how to pension different types of leave
  • how and when to assess contribution rates

During the event you will have the opportunity to ask questions via the question-and-answer function. The details for the next available course are as follows: 

February dates:

April dates:

Pensions Online (POL)

This event is for all employers who are a point of contact for administering the NHS Pension Scheme.

This event includes:

  • an overview of Pensions Online and a background to processing data
  • the E-forms found on Pensions Online
  • notifications on Pensions Online
  • errors that can occur on Pensions Online

During the event you will have the opportunity to ask questions via the question-and-answer function. The details for the next available course are as follows: 

February dates:

April dates:

GP Practice managers roles and responsibilities in the NHS Pension Scheme

This event is for GP practice managers who are a point of contact for administering the NHS Pension Scheme.

This event includes:

  • roles of an administrator including payroll actions and overview of Primary Care Support England (PCSE) who are the local administrators for GPs, salaried GPs and non-GP partners
  • detailed explanation of Primary Care Support England (PCSE) and GP pensions
  • completion of the Estimate of Pensions Income / Pay /Profits Form
  • non-compliance and the Pension Regulations

During the event you will have the opportunity to ask questions via the question-and-answer function. The details for the next available course are as follows: 

March dates:

Pensionable pay and contributions overview events

As a follow up to the contribution changes, the Stakeholder Engagement Team will be hosting events to provide an overview of member contributions and pensionable pay for NHS Trusts, GP Practices and Direction Bodies.

The following topics will be covered throughout the three events:

  • Member contribution changes explained and video.
  • Assessing the tiered contribution rate.
  • What's pensionable and what’s not.
  • Contributions payable and different types of leave.

There are currently no events scheduled but will be advertised here once available. 

Ad hoc training

We regularly hold ad hoc or one-off training for specific employer groups including employers using Pensions Online (POL) or ESR.

Details of future training will be shared here.

You can also find details of our member and GP member events via our member events page.

If your organisation would like to request training or attendance directly from the Stakeholder Engagement team, complete the event / meeting request form (Word: 241KB) and email the team at for consideration.