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NHS Structure Re-Organisation Implementation

From the 1 April 2020 a new organisation structure was implemented by the NHSBSA as agreed by NHS England. Reporting against this new structure will commence from April 2020 dispensing data which will be released mid-June 2020.  These changes will be implemented across all of our reporting systems where applicable (Information  Services Portal (ISP), Open Data Portal (OPD) and ePACT2).

This change will impact dashboards and reports within ePACT2 and any users who have created their own analyses will need to update these to ensure they continue to run correctly.

Any users who require any guidance or assistance in checking or implementing any changes should contact the ePACT2 Training Team

April 2020 structure and changes include:

  • 7 regions replacing 4 regions
  • 42 STPs replacing 27 Area Teams & 14 Local Offices
  • 135 CCGs, following the merger of 74 CCGs into 18
  • 15 AHSNs, in conjunction to the new mapping for 135 CCGs
  • 986 PCNs, new structure added to a number of dashboards in ePACT2 with more to follow
  • Similar 10 suspended until a new mapping is available from NHS RightCare

View our ePACT2 NHS structure re-organisation document (PDF: 102KB) for more information about the changes and the impact they will have.