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CPAF launches on Monday 18 July

The 2022/23 Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework (CPAF) screening questionnaire will launch on Monday 18 July 2022.  

NHS England and Improvement has made some adjustments to this year's CPAF questions.

The questionnaire must be completed through a separate online form on our Manage Your Service (MYS) portal between Monday 18 July 2022 and midnight Wednesday 31 August 2022. It is now a regulatory requirement to complete the CPAF Screening Questionnaire which is carried out on an annual basis.

View the latest information on CPAF.

How to complete this year's CPAF

If you are a user of our MYS portal, log in to complete the questionnaire.

If you are a contractor who is not signed up to MYS yet, you can complete the questionnaire online. Full details will be sent to contractors’ shared pharmacy inboxes with a link to the online form.  

A copy of the 2022/23 questionnaire will be made available before the launch date on our Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework page.