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Next round of Stakeholder GP Events

We have been collating your feedback since 2017 when we first started the training sessions for GP Practice Managers. The Stakeholder Team are now planning the next round of training sessions, targeted at either level 1 - new or intermediate administrators - or level 2 - experienced administrators - in 2020-2021.

If you are interested in attending the next round of training sessions they will be split into two different levels, level 1 and level 2 which will take place on separate days. It is your decision which day you choose to attend. However we would encourage you to consider which would be most beneficial to you, particularly if you have attended one of our events before.

On both days we will provide;

  • Refreshments throughout the day and lunch
  • A Continued Professional Development (CPD) accreditation event - visit the CPD Certification Service website for more information

Dates and locations will be confirmed in the employer’s newsletter at a later date. Sessions may also vary to those published dependent upon regulatory, business changes and any other training identified.

Training day for level 1

Introduction – Business update and NHS Pension Scheme overview 

Session 1 – NHS Pensions website, Communications and Annual Benefit Statements

  • Navigation of the NHS Pension Scheme website and the key areas for you as an employer
  • How to access an Annual Benefits Statement so you can advise members
  • Where to find the NHS Pensions Update  and Employers Charter
  • Where to find employer forms

Session 2 – Claiming benefits from the NHS Pension Scheme

  • Timeline for retirement applications and the process
  • Completion of the retirement application form AW8
  • Age retirement
  • Other reasons for retirement – Claiming benefits early under ill health retirement or Early Retirement
  • Members claiming deferred benefits who are still working in NHS employment

Session 3 – Roles and Responsibilities

  • Disclosure Regulations -  What actions you must take when joining a member to the NHS Pension Scheme
  • Auto enrolment vs contractual enrolment and how they interact (The NHS Pension Scheme is a qualifying scheme for the Auto Enrolment Government Initiative)
  • Roles of an administrator including payroll actions and overview of Primary Care Support England (PCSE) who are the local administrators for GPs, Salaried GP and Non GP Partners

Session 4 – Pensions Online (POL)

  • Re-platforming update of Pensions Online (POL) including an update on the transfer of POL from HSCN (N3) network to a cloud based platform
  • Show and tell of the new screens in POL (taster session)

Training day for level 2

Session 1 – NHS Pension Scheme website / Communications / Annual Benefit Statement

  • Navigation of the NHS Pension Scheme website including the members area
  • Annual Benefit Statement explanation and reasons why a statement may not be produced
  • Employer Newsletters and Employer Charter
  • Employer Forms and Technical Guidance

Session 2 – Other types of benefits claims from the NHS Pension Scheme

  • Pensions on Divorce Credit - If an employee is entitled to claim some of a former spouse’s pension. How to administer and the processes involved
  • Drawdown where a member takes part of their pension early. How to administer and the processes involved
  • Lump Sum Commutation - member chooses to increase their lump sum in the 1995 section, and/or provide for a lump sum in the 2008 section and/or 2015 scheme. How to administer and the processes involved
  • Serious Ill Health including commutation - where a member that has less than 12 months to live may receive all of their ill health pension in one lump sum payment.

Session 3 – Roles and Responsibilities

  • Disclosure Regulations - What actions you must take when joining a member to the NHS Pension Scheme
  • Auto enrolment vs contractual enrolment and how they interact (The NHS Pension Scheme is a qualifying scheme for the Auto Enrolment Government Initiative).
  • Detailed explanation of Primary Care Support England (PCSE) and GP Pensions.
  • Non-compliance and The Pension Regulator.

 Session 4 – Pensions Online (POL)

  • Re-platforming update of POL including an update on the transfer of POL from HSCN (N3) network to a cloud based platform.
  • Show and tell of the new screen in POL (taster session)

All events will close;

  • Response to questions raised throughout the day
  • Provide useful contact details

Our first two events take place in Birmingham:

Level 1
NHS Pension GP Practice Stakeholder Event

Tuesday 28 April from 9:30am to 3:30pm

De Vere Colmore Gate , Birmingham B3 2QD

Register for Level 1 on the Eventbrite website.


Level 2
NHS Pension GP Practice Stakeholder Event

Tuesday 12 May from 9:30am to 3:30pm

Jurys Inn Birmingham, B1 2HQ

Register for level 2 on the Eventbrite website.