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Pensions Online (POL) contribution rates and closing employments

From 1 October 2022 changes are being made to the contribution tiers and rates for members. As a consequence of these changes being implemented mid-year, it is necessary for Pensions Online (POL) to display both sets of contribution rates. The rates to be used up to and including 30 September 2022 and those to be used from 1 October 2022.
This means if you are closing an employment, you will be asked to select the correct contribution rate for the member from a list containing both sets of current contribution rates.

You can find the current contribution rates and those to be used from 1 October 2022 on our contributions webpage.
If you have recently tried to close a member record and have been unable to do so, this should now be resolved, and you should be able to select the appropriate contribution rate to allow you to close the employment. If you are still experiencing issues, please get in touch with our stakeholder engagement team via