Meeting held at 12 midday on Wednesday 14 August 2024 in Collaboration Room 1, Stella House, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Sue Douthwaite,Chair
Michael Brodie, Chief Executive
David Leather, Non-Executive Director (via video conference)
Mathew McKie, Non-Executive Director (via video conference)
Mel Tomlin, Non-Executive Director (via video conference)
Brendan Brown, Chief Operating Officer
Darren Curry, Chief Digital, Data & Technology Officer
Andy McKinlay, Executive Director of Finance, Commercial and Estates
Allison Newell, Executive Director of Strategy, Performance, Business Development and Growth
In Attendance:
David Jukes, Head of Governance and Corporate Secretary (Secretary to the Board)
David Walton, Head of Financial Accounting & Reporting
PM24/01 Welcome, Introductions, Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest
Apologies were received from Mark Dibble, Kathy Gillatt, Randeep Sidhu. There were no declarations of interest declared in relation to the meeting agenda.
S Douthwaite welcomed those present to the NHSBSA Annual Public Meeting. S Douthwaite noted no members of the public were present.
PM24/02 Introduction to the NHS Business Services Authority
M Brodie presented an overview of the NHSBSA, including an overview of the business and operational services, Strategy, and stakeholders.
M Brodie reminded attendees that the NHSBSA’s Strategy and Business Plan were available on the website.
M Brodie thanked colleagues and partners for their hard work during the last year.
PM24/03 Performance Overview
M Brodie presented an overview of performance. M Brodie reminded attendees that the Annual Report and Accounts were available on the NHSBSA website.
PM24/04 Accounts 2023/24 Overview
A McKinlay presented key aspects of the NHSBSA’s financial performance during the year.
PM24/05 Questions from the Public
No members of the public were present.
PM24/06 Any Other Business
There were no matters of any other business.
PM24/07 Date of Next Public Meeting
The next public meeting of the NHSBSA Board was likely to be held in the summer of 2025 although this date would be confirmed nearer the time.