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Electronic payment schedules

We produce electronic payment schedule data called 'electronic FP34 data'. Contractors can use this instead of receiving a paper copy.

This is not a like-for-like replacement of the paper version. You'll need to develop your own IT solution to allow you to read and manipulate the data as it is not readily exported to Microsoft Excel.

Read our 'introduction to e-schedules' for more information and to help you decide if you and your company can receive electronic FP34 data.

Log in to the Electronic FP34 via the Information Services Portal

Make sure that you're registered for access to the portal and that your access rights include e-schedules.

To do this, contact with your company details.

Introduction to e-schedules

E-schedules were created as a way to deliver schedule data in a format that could be downloaded to a database and manipulated.

The e-schedule is an electronic file that contains all of the data on the paper FP34 schedule of payments.

E-schedules can be received alongside the paper FP34 and if you're satisfied with the data, at an agreed time, we'll stop sending paper FP34s.

Receiving the data in the e-schedules format will allow your company to extract the data to a database and manipulate the data to meet the needs of your organisation.

E-schedule data is available in the form of a 'fixed format' file which is available online, from a secure web server, at around the same time as the printed schedule.

A 12-month history is maintained on the server.

What the data looks like

We have help files available that explain what the electronic FP34 data looks like.

E-schedule help files (ZIP: 292KB)This ZIP file contains:

  • e-schedule map (Excel: 118KB) 
  • sample e-schedule (DAT: 7KB)
  • local payments (PDF: 167KB)

The 'e-schedule map' describes the layout and positioning of the electronic FP34 data. You'll need this help file to help you develop an IT solution to use the data to its full potential.

The 'sample e-schedule' is a data file which shows a sample of the electronic FP34 data. You can use this to see what your data will look like and to test your IT solution.

The 'local payments' is a text file which lists local payments by primary care organisations. Not all local payments will be listed in the e-schedule file, only those that have a payment attached.

Sometimes we have to make changes to the help files. New versions will be available to download when changes are made.

Receiving electronic FP34 data

Send your company details to us by email: