The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) is responsible for this service.
Why we process your information
We will use the information you provide to:
- assess your application
- make payments in accordance with the England Infected Blood Support Scheme (EIBSS)
- check for fraud and errors
- analyse general trends to support more effective planning of NHS services
By law, we must process this information on behalf of the NHS.
We may contact you about taking part in surveys and research to learn what you need from our services.
Sharing your personal information
We may share your information with:
- administrators of other Infected Blood Support Schemes in the UK to ensure you are directed to the correct scheme, including data matching activities for the purposes of preventing fraud
- NHS Business Services Authority to make payments under the Infected Blood Interim Compensation Scheme (ICSP)
- medical professionals for the assessment of any future applications/appeals made
- the Department of Health and Social Care for planning and information purposes
- NHS England for planning and information purposes, and advising on the inclusion of additional psychological treatments, to those listed by NICE.
- Russell Cooke Solicitors to obtain the necessary information to make accurate payments.
We may share information to help prevent fraud and error.
Keeping your personal information
No personal data will be deleted before the Infected Blood Inquiry has concluded. Data will only be kept for as long as the purposes for which it is collected and processed, and this will be reviewed at the conclusion of the inquiry.
Your rights
The information you provided will be managed as required by Data Protection law.
You have the right to:
- receive a copy of the information the NHSBSA hold about you
- request your information be changed if you believe it was not correct at the time you provided it
- request that your information be deleted if you believe we are keeping it for longer than necessary
Find out more about your rights and how we process information.