You can apply for an adult dependant’s pension if you’re the spouse, civil partner or long term partner of a Scheme member who has died.
Read the survivor's guide (PDF: 377KB) before applying for a dependant's pension.
Watch our video for more information on bereavement benefits.
Download the video transcript (PDF: 152KB).
What you may get
Factsheets are available to explain some of the benefits payable from the NHS Pension Scheme:
Family benefits and life assurance factsheet (PDF: 180KB)1995 Section - death on re-employment (PDF: 163KB) Trivial commutation of an adult dependant's pension factsheet (PDF:246KB)
How to apply
If the member dies in service, you should tell their employer who will notify NHS Pensions. We will then issue a claim form to the relevant person.
If the member wasn’t in in active employment when they died, download and complete the Dependant claim form (PDF: 331KB) using the guidance within the form to help you.
The dependant claim form can be used to claim an adult dependant's pension and a children's pension.
Death in respect of a Pension Credit
We cannot pay a lump sum on death benefit until we confirm the late member’s personal representative.Claim for a lump sum on death in respect of a Pension Credit (AW11PC) (PDF: 312KB)